The monk who sold the Ferrari

I am neither a book critic nor a book reviewer so this blog post is not a book review... This is purely an interesting incident that happened recently.
I always have the intention to buy books but ironically many books remain in my table drawers waiting for its turn to be read, which may not happen in my lifetime. If the book cover is changed in the second edition there is a fair chance that I would buy the same book again. To remind me of the books I commissioned a bookshelf in my living room. The colorful books neatly arranged in the book shelf reminds me of the valuable money spent to buy the books urging me to read.
The huge collection of books arranged neatly in the roof high bookshelf of a luxurious mansion’s living rooms all belong to this kind(meant to be bought not to be read). I buy only one book at a time but they buy books in bulk. The result is the same for all the books in my home and those in the  mansions. They are not even opened once in their lifetime. Am I making a confession... In recent days books are even used as a property by interior designers for decoration.  
After I commissioned the bookshelf the reading habit has improved. Hearing Arnab Goswami and reading books is my favorite, as his monotone shouting keeps me focused on the books from external noises. I am very slow reader so completing a normal sized book needs at least 15- 20hours of 5-6 sessions.
Almost 4 to 5 years back I picked up a book in Odyssey store in Coimbatore, a book by Robin Sharma  The monk who sold the Ferrari series “ The Secret letters”. The reason for buying the book is pretty simple, its becoz of the authors popularity and his books have sold 6+million( 60lakhs) copies. This book is quiet lucky as I started to read the book the very next week.
With lot of expectations, without reading the foreword I just jumped into the book. Chapter-1 was about the personal life of the hero who is dealing with his separation. I always had the habit of guessing the storyline and thus decided I got the wrong book, as according to me the book is going to deal with rough patches of life during separation. I docked the book safely and securely in the book shelf until recently, when this book caught my attention back. This time I read the foreword which made me think about book and started to read the book from the beginning although I have read chapter-1 earlier.
The funny part was when I bought the book Robin Sharma has sold 6+million copies of his books when I finished reading the book Robin Sharma has  already sold 15+million copies books. The monks Ferrari was sold and resold may be 3-4 times by the time I finished reading the book. Anyways as I cruised through the chapters I am sunk in the Talismans, the different characters, destinations and the life lesson learnt. Its a must read book specially for those who work in corporate, having a stressful life. I completed reading the book in just only 2 sessions. This time I  guessed the ending correctly yet I continued and completed the book.  Robin Sharma has mesmerized me with the flow and characterization which is quiet powerful. I read a few chapters again and my favorite was Mayan Pyramid...  I am also impressed with the  synopsis of all the talismans at the end of the book. The monk who sold Ferrari doesn’t need any marketing from me rather he waited patiently for almost  four long years to influence me. Now my aim is to buy a Ferrari and then sell it to become a monk... Take it in a lighter note.... " Books are our best friends" Develop the habit of reading, you can always return to books when you need it. 
                                                                                      Blog story by - Allwyn Chellakumar
Picture courtesy: Pictures are collected from internet. Thankful to whom so ever have created these great images

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  1. I read the book too though it failed to enchant me for rasons i never analysed. I love books, however, and never let a day pass without some reading.

    1. Thanks for reading the post and giving your valuable feedback... The very purpose of the post is to emphasis on reading habit.. Nowadays visual media has dominated over printed media


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