Dreams Unlimited

My Indispire Idea has been selected by fellow bloggers for Indispire Edition 210. Pretty excited and thanks to all who voted for my Indispire Idea.

Dreams are unlimited. Dreams are vital. Everyone has dreams... hmm.. Everyone see dreams. I rephrased the sentence becoz dreams can’t be controlled.
99% of us doesn’t remember the dreams... why? Imagination is controlled thinking when your mind is conscious whereas dreams are uncontrolled thinking when your subconscious mind takes over. Scientific studies suggest dreams are always in black and white but we look forward for colorful dreams. We are all used with the phrases  “Follow your dreams” “Dreams make the world” and Dreams Factory etc...
Advantage of dream is you don’t need to have money to be in Las Vegas, buy a Bugatti or wear a Armani velvet suit, all you need is a deep sleep and a beautiful dream.
Have your breakfast in NewYork, Lunch in Chennai and sushi dinner in Tokyo. You don’t need passport, Visa or money all you need is dreams. After having such a dream if you tell your friend about the dream and intend to live your dream he will say don’t forget yourself in day dream.
Day dreams are getting lost in your thoughts, dreaming about hypothetical situation which usually is impossible to transpire
Getting a little bit serious, dreams are reflection of what you want to be.. many of our lives ambition are sunk deep inside our subconscious mind which appears as dreams “that's the reason why it has been told follow your dreams”
Mythologically many believe every dream has a reason or meaning or its a kind of revelation of future etc..which I haven't felt or experienced so far. My dreams are always filled with generators, transformers, panels, protection relays reflecting my passion towards my job.
It was during my College days I had a dream, In the backdrop of scenic view a cricket match between India and England was underway, Sachin was facing the ball, Malcolm Marshal was bowling(dream cricket doesn’t have nationality), the ball was full and Sachin punches the ball perfectly in the gap between two fielders when the alarm rang interrupting by dream. After few months when I was travelling, looking through window of moving bus, lost in my thoughts, drifted to a day dream which was continuity of my earlier dreams months ago. None other than Kapil Dev was behind the ball. The ball won and crosses the boundary Sachin pumps his fist, scoring his first century. Came back to my sense when the conductor blows the whistle. What a silly dream, Sachin plays for India, Malcom Marshall(West Indies) and Kapildev playing for England. Dreams are unlimited without boundaries. I was amazed by the continuity of my dream.

Are your dreamer? Don’t stop dreaming( avoid day dreams), Dream big, follow your dreams, work hard for your dreams, live your dreams and make life colorful

Picture courtesy: Pictures are collected from internet. Thankful to whom so ever have created these great images
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                                                                        Blog By: Allwyn Chellakumar



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