Swimming alone in the world of technology
This post is linked with the Indispire edition:149 topic " In this world so connected with technology,we have actually lost our real connections.Technology has actually surpassed human-interactions.Real time Conversations became texting and Feelings became status updates.What you feel ?Share your views on it " Swimming alone in the world of technology post takes a dip whether technology has affected our real time interactions or not. Most of us would agree that social media has taken a great toll in the real time interactions. Majority of us, use internet for social media application like Whatsapp, email etc.. and many don't have idea about the other usage of internet( Read also: Internet Users...Take a break from social media ). It has become common scenario now-a-days , that many members of the family are sitting together in the same room, but they are not talking to each other. Everyone is busy using Whatsapp, Facebook, w...