The terrace...

In olden days men use to sleep outside the house and women use to sleep inside the house. There are two reasons; one is to guard the house... Two to escape the sultry tropical climate.. Now a days we sleep inside a locked room with climate control - I mean airconditioners... Though nowadays we Can't sleep outside,  still we can enjoy the terrace.. Vertical living could be a hurdle but give it a try atleast once...

Read remaining of the post in a husky bedtime story voice... You will love it....

The Terrace ....

Summer is about to end, dampness announces the monsoon,
The climate inside the house is still hot and humid,
I spread my bed in the terrace, to enjoy the gentle breeze,
There I lay in the open air, gazing at the stars,
With a bleak yellow light behind me,
The lightning streaks meet the far away barren land,
Feels like the sky is clicking my picture with flash light,
Followed by a loud sound of a thunder; reminding me,
It’s not a flash photography...
Occasionally passing vehicles wakes up the street dogs,
Street dogs responds with a bark,
Followed by their friends in the next gully,
I start to count the stars, one here and there,
I found only a dozen but amazed with their formation,
A sickle, A half moon, A zigzag,
While Wondering about the polar star,   
I could feel the gentle cool breeze brushing me in the terrace,
Wondering why the breeze refuses to flow inside, 
Crickets starts to pitch their notes;
while a frog counters with a croak; It rained a day before,
Community Gurkah passes-by blowing whistle,
The Gurkah's whistle calms the crickets and the frogs,
Crickets and frogs start again with fading whistle sound,
Shadow of the passing cloud darkens the terrace,
I Could hear a melody song, probably from the FM radio,
I close my eyes for a goodnight sleep,
 Early morning dew settles down,
Do you feel the chillness of the dew drops,
It feels like I am in a fairy land,
Where the cloud floats below the feet,
The sun hesitates to rise and slowly peeps out,
  Spreading out rangoli of orange, yellow & magenta colors,
The early bird wakes me up with its singing,
Opening my eyes I slowly get down from the fairy land,
A new day and a new journey has just began...

                                    - Allwyn Chellakumar

Life is all about enjoying & capturing the memorable moments. Hope the readers would give a try and those who have already tried share your experience to motivate other. This will also reduce the green house gases being released from the air conditioners..


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