Does others Opinion matters..

Are you a confused person? Probably you are taking way too many opinion from everyone you meet. Too many opinions doesn’t let you come to a conclusion rather keeps you confused always. Ok now other way around you are not a confused person.. that's great you respect self opinion and you take only opinion from people who only matters for you.. So how to be selective about opinion. Read through to find out....
What is opinion: In general, opinion is a viewpoint or statement or judgment which is not conclusive and not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Expert opinion is statement of advise given by experts on professional matters. Second opinion is verifying the advise given by an expert with another expert.
When to seek opinion: Imagine you were struck in a situation where you are not able to take a decision or when you don't have prior experience, only then seek for opinion . Suppose you have to  travel  from city X to city Y for the first time, which have many connecting routes, its advisable to take opinion from a person who had travelled from city X to city Y earlier which could help in selecting the best route which could reduce the travel time, risk involved and have a comfortable Journey.
To whom we shall ask opinion: Asking opinion from a stranger or less known person will not help, rather will complicate the situation. Relevance is more important, seek opinion from person who has been in similar situation and has successfully bailed himself out or ask opinion from close friends, relatives or colleagues who gives you sincere and helpful opinions.
Opinions from Social media: Social media has become in-evitable part of our lives which has it own advantage and disadvantages. Through social media one can easily find a person who has been in such situation earlier and get valuable opinions, but on the other hand social media attracts many to give random opinion, after all giving and receiving opinion is free. 
How many opinions one can seek: It is best to seek opinion from maximum of two including your opinion. If you are seeking expert opinion consult not more than two. You can take a second opinion but not third, fourth and fifth and on until... someone gives an opinion which reflects your opinion.
How about giving your opinion to others: Its easy to give opinion to others but we need to give opinion genuinely. If you have no idea about he/she is asking, don't give random opinions. Be genuine with your opinion. Your opinion will help the person come to a conclusion.

An artist made a painting of a beautiful angel and wanted it to be the best in the world and wanted it better than Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting( confused, seeks opinion). He asked for opinion from his peers who really appreciated the painting and promised him that this painting is going to rock the world(took many expert opinion). He wanted to know the opinion of common people. He displayed the painting in a busy market place(irrelevant opinions), asking for opinion and started correcting, within couple of hours the beautiful angel in his painting became an ugly witch. His plan of creating a master piece was shattered.

From the short story we know, how disastrous it could be, when you seek too many and irrelevant opinions. We clearly need to know when, how many and from whom to ask for opinion and one has to be conscious and true, when expressing his/her opinion. Correct, Relevant and Genuine opinions are always welcome.
Picture courtesy: Pictures are collected from internet. Thankful to whom so ever have created these great images
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                                                                        Blog By: Allwyn Chellakumar


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