Best days at work through my window pane
I have been thinking " W hat would a best day at work be like?? " for quite a long time. Trying to answer my inner quest, it happened to look through my window pane rewinding my memories. There were days which were challenging, stressful, very painful, Easy stress-free days, sleep and food starved days and there were days when 24hrs is not enough. Every day at work will be unique and will continue to be unique. Everyday at work will add experience and will make us well seasoned. I am going to list down 5 things which makes a "Best day at work" from my point of view. When I don't carry work back home: How you end your day at work is very important to have a best day at office. During early days of my career one of senior colleague advised me to " leave work behind in office when you call it a day" don't take work to home, as work is a continuous process which never ends. Such a precious advise which I preserve it for my life time. Work...