My Superman

Everyone in the world knows a superhero in their life. Superman, Spiderman, Batman, Ironman etc.. etc.. Like everyone, my daughter also has a superhero... Let’s see how she describes the superhero and find out who is that superhero.. 
Before reading a huge round of applause for the poet inside my daughter... she believes she knows a superhero... Special thanks to my daughter’s English teacher, who insisted that the activity to be done as a poem.

My Superman

When I think of hero,
Courage is what comes to my mind,
When someone is in midst of trouble,
He is there in the double.

Hearing the word hero,
The villains are equal to thousand zeroes,
But not every hero has special costumes,
Nor do they have wings,
Though they have common things,
Not like the fantasy,
But indeed lovely.

My hero is none like this one,
Instead on the run, Throughout,
He works day and night,
A great brilliance, my father.

                                           - Adnah Jennifer

Dedicated to all parents. It is also dedicated to single mother’s who struggle alone filling the shoes of father also.  Basically the poem was meant to be parents( you can see from the manuscripts), so mothers don't be dejected.

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