Project Motivation...

I have been reported missing from blogging,  by my blog 'Allwyn's blog: The Journey' due to inactiveness for almost a quarter of calendar year. The reason for inactivity ranges from summer vacation travels to lack of interest to lack of blogging ideas to shortage of time. Giving Excuses is not an Excuse for not blogging. To regain my confidence & Rhythm I turned my attention to micro blogging( Instagram & Facebook page). I am currently doing a micro project “ Project Motivation” which is to post motivating and  Inspiring Quotes continuously for 30days in my Instagram account  and FB page. The main aim of the project is to motivate and get motivated. I pursued the idea in a very light note but took it very seriously in course of time. At first it seemed to be a simple task, but I later realized its a time consuming activity. Some days I spent many hours to find the right quote which inspires me to post.
Next challenge was to prepare a poster for the quote which requires an apt background and fonts. I used TYPORAMA to prepare the posters. This mobile app is very easy to use which I downloaded from IPhone App store. I received good response for "Project motivation" from the audience which inspired me to continue for 30days.
I personally learnt a lot  from my project, especially I had to go through hundreds of quotes to find the best quote for the day, which multiplied my optimism and positive energy. I am displaying here  some of them. To get a glimpse of all quotes click the link of my Instagram or FB page below.

Hope the quote motivates, Inspires and bring positive effects to the readers. Wishing all the readers a successful and peaceful life.
Special thanks to "Typorama" team for the Great app. Easy to use, Excellent stock images, Fonts, Styles and many more features. 
Allwyn's blog has many self-improvement, motivational and Inspiration blog articles. Get the latest update as soon as a new blog is posted by following the  blog directly or through social media accounts to get updates on the latest post

Feel Free to share and comment .Do follow my blog and like us in Facebook @blogthejourney  page and keep updated of the latest article posted in the blog. You can also subscribe to RSS FEED to get the latest updates.
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                                                                        Blog By: Allwyn Chellakumar


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