Ride the waves of life..

What makes our lives very interesting is that no one knows or even have idea about what will happen the next minute or second. Its real wastage of time guessing the future. Its equally annoying to keep worrying about the past.
Prepare yourself for the future and cherish your past. Learn from your mistakes and write your own future and on the way enjoy the present. When you ride the wave, even rough waves can be tamed, on contrary, if you don't ride the wave, even a small wave unfolds like a monster swallowing everything on its way. Are you asking me, why to put efforts when neither future nor the past is out of our control? Without efforts you will not have anything to cherish, rather you will drown in your own tears remembering the missed opportunities.
Can we make Alterations in our life? Yes why not, but only on the future, not on the past. One can easily drop his current profession, deciding to become a writer, traveler, wanderer etc.. etc... One can change their city or country to find a suitable place for his or her passion. Remember one thing don’t worry for the alteration you didn’t make.. I didn’t say make alteration for success but for passion as success will greet you at your door steps, when you follow your passion. I relate alterations to riding the wave smoothly and comfortably by making small adjustments. If you are forced to work on a field which you hate, try to alter your mindset to make it your passion in your timeline.
In every stage of our life interest changes, priorities changes, we face new challenges, we fail, we succeed. Have you ever wondered how we were able to handle all these changes. Knowingly or unknowingly we make alteration in our life style, thought process, behavior etc..to maneuver the situations
Once a decision is made there is no turning back. We don’t have Play, Pause, Rewind or fast forward button to re-create our past, neither we do have editing tools. Its mere stupidity trying to change the direction of the wind, lot wiser to adjust your sail to reach the destination.
We all come across people who curse their past, change their names in pursuit of altering the life. You can’t change the past yet work hard to create your own future. Progress and push forward swiftly and gently breaking and passing all the hurdles.
Many geniuses, wealthy and powerful people, struggled a lot in their childhood, yet they were determined to succeed. They pushed their past back, didn’t worry much about future, exerted maximum effort to reach their destination.
Don’t worry about the past, Prepare yourself for the future and cherish the present. Don’t try to alter the wave instead ride the wave like a Pro.

This article is linked to Indispire Edition 218

Had there been any instance when, looking back, you've felt that life could've been different? Any event, any memory that you want to alter? Would you agree that life has indeed come a full circle? #AlterationsToLife

Picture courtesy: Pictures are collected from internet. Thankful to whom so ever have created these great images
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                                                                        Blog By: Allwyn Chellakumar



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