Best days at work through my window pane

I have been thinking "What would a best day at work be like??" for quite a long time. Trying to answer my inner quest, it happened to look through my window pane rewinding my memories. There were days which were challenging, stressful, very painful, Easy stress-free days, sleep and food starved days and there were days when 24hrs is not enough. Every day at work will be unique and will continue to be unique. Everyday at work will add experience and will make us well seasoned.
I am going to list down 5 things which makes a "Best day at work" from my point of view.
When I don't carry work back home: How you end your day at work is very important to have a  best day at office. During early days of my career one of senior colleague advised me to " leave work  behind in office when you call it a day" don't take work to home, as work is a continuous process which never ends. Such a precious advise which I preserve it for my life time. Work never ends so plan your day carefully and complete the goals you set for yourself, refrain from worrying about reporting, targets etc., etc.. sitting on the couch. Leaving behind work at office,One can spend quality time with family and friends and will keep us motivated for the next day, which makes the day "Best day at work".
Days when you Drive and not driven: There are days where we get lot of urgent, high priority work or your Boss pops out and says "I have an urgent meeting, I need full details in 2 hrs. and we discuss before the meeting " such days are very tiring and will drain you to the core. Then there will days which will go as per your schedule and plan. Though you had tight schedule you have a feeling of satisfaction at the end of the day which make the day "Best day at work". 
Day of Accomplishment: "Yes I did it once again" All your hard work, dedication pays off ,when you complete a project, your mission succeed, or completed special assignment successfully which makes you feel accomplished. With compliments pouring in, successful accomplishment makes you fly and rejoice. Though the day of accomplishment doesn't happen everyday, it gives a divine satisfaction when it arrives, which make the day "Best day at work"..
Day when you get to expand yourself: When we attend seminars, workshops, team building events etc...etc...,you get chance to socialize with colleagues, listen to lectures, share ideas and views and have a relaxed day. Such days are usually stress-free, will increase your knowledge and could open up new opportunities in one's career which make the day "Best day at work".
Day when your rewarded: None of us work for free. Increments, Perks, Incentives, Bonus, Promotion makes up happy and are termed as recognition of the efforts you exert in the whole year. When rewarded its important to treat yourself by visiting the best restaurants.. Going on a tour... buying new attire and gadgets..  It gives a sense relief and pride which make the day "Best day at work".
Best days of work doesn't come easily, but patience, perseverance, hard work, smart working, being updated with technology, willingness to expand will make it happen. Small changes in life brings glorious days. Work hard on sunny days and save for the rainy days. Life is a cycle don't worry about negative things, hard work will turn the wheel and bring you to the top.
After reading the blog hope you guys will be relishing about your Best day at work. Wishing all the best for all the readers to have a "Best day of work" everyday and peaceful life throughout.

Picture courtesy: Honorable Mr. Internet

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                                                                        Blog Article by: Allwyn Chellakumar


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